It all started a stormy night, a family had moved to a new house a few days ago.

The Simpson family was gathered in their living room, the youngest daughter Rose was too bored and did not know what to do, then she remembered that the afternoon before she had seen something like a game in the basement, she went and looked for it, when she came back she tried to convince her parents (Patrick and Mary) her brothers (Karl and Peter) and her boyfriend (Josh) to play and they accepted although Josh was not very excited to play.

The game was called “Do not move”

The game box had a warning that said “Not to play” but they ignored it and opened the box. They read the rules and thought it was too easy to play. The main rule was just to touch the button to turn off the robot that was inside the box before the robot turned to see them.

(But they did not read all the rules)

And started the game

The first rounds were normal they followed the rules but in one of the rounds josh said “It is crazy, I do not want to play” and in that moment the robot turned and Sam him walking towards a chair and josh’s head exploded when Mary saw this she jumped scared and immediately her head exploded too and the robot turned its back on them.

The family was in shock, they could not move, they were frightened and started to cry and just listened the robot’s voices that said “One, Two, Three, Four…” and in that moment they understood that it was more than a game.

They were afraid to move but in that moment Patrick told them “We must turn off the robot remember the rule” and when the robot turned its back on them again the father started to run toward the robot and just before touching robot’s button, the robot turned and Patrick’s head exploded too only Rose and her brothers still stayed alive but they had not moved from the same place.

The three brothers stared at each other and they knew it was not time to cry it was time to touch that stupid button. They planned a way to get to touch it at any cost, so they made a line and tried to reach it. Rose could touch it but unfortunately her brothers died in the attempt

Sadness invaded her and she began to cry regret have put her family in that silly game… then she heard the robot’s voice that told her “since you were able to touch the button I will grant you a wish those are the rule” and she told the robot that she wanted her family and boyfriend to come back to life.

A few days later they buried the game.

Written by Edison Gonzalez EIP 2019 UAPA

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