It all began in a normal day, when Amy received a call about having an interview to get a job. She was so excited because she had been looking for a job too long ago. The day of the interview, as Amy really wanted to get the job, she was so nervous and was eating as crazy before going to the company.

Amy got the job, and it had passed 4 month since she started working. Within those months, Amy had known a boy, Fred, who was always around her, given her some advises and some help (as he had been working there for 2 years). One day there was party after work in which they danced a lot, in that moment, Amy and Fred realized they loved dancing, so that they agreed to hang out, but just the two of them.

That night was amazing; they were dancing and dancing until they kissed each other by mistake. The night had been long, and Amy was taken to her house by Fred. When in front of the house they stayed inside the car until 3 a.m. talking about their likes and dislikes. Within the conversation Fred said to Amy that he was not a normal boy as she thought, Amy was surprised and asked him about that comment, so in that moment Fred revealed that he was a man who ate people. Amy stared laughing and confessed she was a witch, so he could not eat a witch.

As a result of that strange conversation Fred and Amy had a loyal relationship since both of them weren’t normal people… With the time passing so fast, Amy and Fred’s qualities were more notable and obvious, so that, they decided to move to a mountain where nobody could know anything about them. Once living in the mountain it was difficult for Fred not to eat Amy, because he loved her so much, that he would prefer not to have her in his interior.

One night, Fred went to sleep earlier than normal.  Amy was thinking all night that maybe Fred would hurt her one day, even though she was a witch.  Amy slowly approached the bed where Fred was sleeping, and put her mouth in one of his arms.  That was how slowly and quietly Amy absorbed all of Fred’s blood until it was completely empty.  Obviously Fred died, Amy loved him but she loved herself more.

Then Amy returned to the city and began to look for work again … she continued her life as if she had never met that strange boy who ate people.

Written by Keysilenia Solis EIP 2019 UAPA

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