This is the story of David, David in his childhood was a child with great aspirations that he had always heard about doing it beyond, the place where those of his species evolve and become human beings, from very young he had very clear his purpose of that when he had to go beyond and be a human being he would be the best human being in the world, his friends Sam and Chloe shared their same ideals, the city of the scrotum lived very happily even in a surprising way and never before seen many and many citizens of the city of the scrotum went out more and more and more, David could not believe that his dreams were approaching.

3 days before it was David’s turn, his friends Sam and Chloe made a farewell party, all in that city I knew David’s enthusiasm to become a human being, that even the president foreskin was present, David said a few words in front of billions of sperm cells and these were that when he became a baby, he would be the most beautiful baby in the world, when he is a child he will be the exemplary child, upon reaching adolescence would be studious and respectful, but in addition to becoming an adult would be the one who would find the cure for prostate cancer so that no sperm has to die without having gone before, all the millions of sperm clapped and the president of the scrotum dismissed David in a smooth capsule where there were thousands and thousands of sperms with very noble dreams and the 3,2,1 bill the licit transport took off.

David could not believe it was his dream coming true, it was amazing David was very happy, while they enjoyed the trip they remembered their years of studies at the university as the professor had explained that they had to reach the ovule, the parts of the ovary, the fallopian tubes ect, david was clear that his goal was to swim faster than his companions Suddenly something happened, the sperm if they left but did not get where they really should go, only David knew that they had fallen into a murky place, nothing before seen in university classes, the other sperm had no idea what had happened, but David knew very well, they had landed in a bathroom in a few minutes, they would die.

Their partners began to swim, but without a leader they had no direction, they were happy for their ignorance while David was tormented inside, David knew very well that in a few minutes everyone would die and no one would see their dreams materialized, David was filled with courage and with a powerful voice summoned the thousands of sperm without direction and told them he knew how they continued, the thousands of sperm could see the brightness of joy in their eyes, How could David put out that glow? David undertook his trip, Sam and Chloe were close to David, but he never told them that his trip was meaningless, that only he died trying to get to the impossible place. In the race, the sperm began to die, but in the university they had been taught that not everyone would arrive and that those who die on the road die as heroes, only David, Sam and Chloe remained.

David was without strength, weak and dying, while Sam and Chloe continued with courage, in a moment of weakness David confessed the truth to his friends, told them that his career was not inside a vagina, that they swam in the place more than any. From hell, his friends with a warm voice answered them, we knew all this time, there are more thousands of sperm that are no longer by our side, they also knew it, we all set out to swim to have an honorable death even in hell. David in his last second could only pronounce, THANKS.

Written by Jean Carlos Galva EIP 2019 UAPA

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