It was a time when a boy called Tom lived in a small house with his parents, he was an only child, during the day everything was Ok. He went to school, when he came back he did his homework and then in the afternoon he went out to play with his friends but there was a problem at night, that he could not sleep because he felt that there was a big monster in his closet, sometimes he had seen him go out and enter, he had heard that the big monster called him by his name, it was a nightmare only that this time he was awake, never calling his parents because it never worked, the monster always hid, so he just closes his eyes and goes under his sheet without being able to sleep until the next day.

Once he decided to tell a friend what happened, his friend told him that it had never happened to him and that maybe he was watching too much TV, then another friend who was overhearing the story went to him and explained that he had the same problem, but that doesn’t happen anymore, he told Tom that he had to go to the closet to sleep there with the monster and that every day that passed the monster gained more power.

Then, at night, Tom went to the closet, but when he tried to open the door, something fell on him and he was scared because he thought that was the monster that was trying to kill him, so he ran to his bed and took his sheet and hid until the day next.

The next day he went to his grandparent’s house, so he asked his grandfather if he was ever afraid of something, his Grandpa told him, it is not bad to be scared sometimes the problem is when you let your fears take control of your life, and then the Child go to his house and spends all day thinking about it.

At night he just went to the door and opened it, he wasn’t scared, he realized that there was nothing and what fell on him the other day was just a shirt and what he heard every night were the trees when they crashed with the windows and what he saw coming out of the closet was only the shadow of his father when he crossed the room to go to the bathroom, so that night Tom realized that he had been his own nightmare all this time and that he himself was the one who created the great monster that fears him so much.

Finally Tom went to bed and after all those nights without being able to sleep the little boy at last went to sleep, that night Tom went to slept happily because he already had taken control over his fears.

Written by Riki Florentino EIP 2019 UAPA

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