It all started when Venus Daemon, a Summoner and Demonologist of the Five-Points Star Academy (F.S.A), was doing his habitual research; this time, about the most dangerous Fallen Angel ever known, Abbadon. After becoming famous for inheriting the power of the previous Demon King (Diablo) and killing the 3rd prince of the Angel Kingdom (Ariel Sanctus Lazarus) in a fair duel, Venus has been recognized as the 2nd most dangerous living being in the 3 kingdoms, one place above Abbadon.

In his research, he found some information about the location of Abaddon’s Sanctuary, so he left immediately to find the “Fallen”. In the sanctuary, it seemed like Abbadon was already waiting for the Summoner; they saw each other, with an incredible blood thirst on their eyes, until Abbadon started Laughing.

“Power is what you seek; even if you already have it…Weakness is what you will get, because that’s what you deserve”, were the words of the Fallen, just before deploying the immense plague of Locusts that he controls. In a couple of seconds, Venus was paralyzed for the poison in the Locust’s fangs. Abbadon used a new type of locust to drain all of Venus’ powers, separate his soul from his body and throw him into the human world… “Let’s see what you can really do, get a new body, survive until I arrive and you will have your powers back…this is what happens when you are too greedy, “human”.”

After arriving to the human world, Venus Daemon, now a simple wandering soul, spent years looking for a new body suitable for him, filling his soul with anger towards the Fallen who stole his powers and his body…

Thousands of years later, after having countless human bodies, the fated day arrived.

It was at day but the sky turned black as shadows and a big dark purple hole appeared in it, a white sphere fell from it and just before touching the Earth’s surface it stopped in the middle of the air, and then…the invasion started.

The sphere broke violently releasing Abbadon from its interior and the locusts came from the hole as it was supposed to happen the Judgment day. “Where are you? Child of Fate…” were the words of the Fallen after his arrival to Earth.

Venus Daemon, now in a human body with a much more mature mind and a different way to think, saw the events from a nearby park and immediately went to look for the Fallen while the locusts devoured people and buildings like another simple meal.

When he finally arrived with the Fallen, it congratulated Venus for his persistence, although Venus didn’t care about it. Abaddon’s proposal was giving back Venus’ powers if he could kill only one of the locusts (which is impossible to any human); Venus refused instantly and made a new proposal, a bet, “If you can make me feel fear in less than 10 days, my soul is yours; if not, you will give me my powers back and you will be my slave”. Confident in his skills, Abbadon accepted and took Venus to his sanctuary; there, the time passed…

“It seems your time is over…I win; and this is what happens when you are too confident”, without problems, Venus won the bet and recovered his powers just when Abbadon realized that inheriting Diablo’s soul made Venus Immune to fear so, at the end, it was the perfect bet for Venus.

After the incident, Venus continued living as a human for fun and Abbadon served him as his guardian and companion. Many other dangers will appear before them, and many other powerful beings are there, hidden in the shadows…

But that’s another story…

Written by Arcadio Perez EIP 2019 UAPA

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