José was a boy who dreamed of being a great professional baseball player but he was very small, they always told him that he could not because he was small, that he should dedicate himself to something else that was not a waste of time, but José continued forward and ignored them. However, many times he thought that he really could not do what he was told not to, but his father always supported him and helped him grow in personality.

José was small in height but big in dedication, José went to many professional teams to demonstrate what that he had and was really good at playing baseball but he was told not because of his size. That made him increasingly disappointed more and more. His father did not abandon him, he was always there giving him the support he needed. Until one day his father spoke to an old friend who worked in a professional team and that person had a lot of power in that team and they needed someone to complete the team, because José was not long in introducing himself.

As much as José and many more were eager to cover that gap. José always gave the best of the achievement to stand out with everything and his small height, even so, José managed to be the best of all. That day they were indecisive just because of his small height. And there arose what they called the “GREAT OPPORTUNITY”, José managed to enter the team, but still being inside the sacrifice was greater. His size did not let him climb inside the team, so he had to always dedicate the best of him without be able to fail and showing that not everything is height but the effort you put into what you want.

Now everyone can see how José was able to climb and be one of the best despite his small height, José has just made the hit.  the hit that led his team to the world baseball series and has been shown to be the “Little giant”.

Written by Francis Rojas EIP 2019 UAPA

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