This story starts with Jane, a 5-year-old kid singing in front of the mirror of her bathroom. She loved singing. That was her favorite thing to do. While growing up this love for singing was getting bigger and bigger. She went to castings to participate in musicals. Sometimes it went well, sometimes not, but she didn’t lose her hope to be a great singer one day.

With the passing of the years she was improving her skills at singing and getting better. Her voice was like the voice of an angel. Everybody liked her voice. She got to work in one-night jobs at clubs, birthday parties and weddings. She created a YouTube channel where she shared her talent to others.

Today she’s going to the most important casting of her life. She saw the ad in a post on Instagram. She has been practicing since she saw the ad and she is so prepared for this. This casting is for a play that is performed every year since a long time ago and her dream has been always to be part of this play.

She is getting ready to go to the place where the casting is. She has breakfast and goes out, but getting out of the house it starts raining out of the blue and she has to go back to get an umbrella. She has to take a bus to get to the place so she goes to the bus stop. While getting there she starts to feel a pain in her stomach. It seems like her breakfast made her sick, but she didn’t pay attention to this. The only thing she wants is to accomplish her dream. Today is her day and nothing will spoil it.

She looks at her watch desperately and sees that she has half an hour waiting for the bus and it doesn’t look like it will appear. She looks at her watch again, it has passed five minutes and nothing. She tries to find a taxi but it seems like all of them were taken. “Oh, this cannot be worse”, she thought. She stands up and starts getting around in the bus stop “I cannot lose this opportunity! “Oh bus, come to me, please!” Suddenly the bus appears and gets her wet with the water accumulated in front of the bus stop due to the rain. Now she is soaking wet. “OH, NO, NO, NO! THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING TO ME!” she says out loud. It is already late and she cannot go home and change her clothes so she doesn’t mind and she gets on the bus.

On the way the bus gets stuck in the traffic but in spite of everything she doesn’t lose her hope. She believes she will get there and everything is going to be okay. After a long waiting she finally gets there but when she is going in, she doesn’t see anybody there, just the judges sitting behind a table. “You arrived late, young lady.  The casting is over”, says one of the judges. When she heard that, she saw her world falling apart. But she didn’t stop there. She starts to beg them for an opportunity and tries to tell them the story of what happened to her. After a while they decide to give her an opportunity.

When she starts singing, they cannot believe their ears. Her voice is like an angel. When she finishes singing, they cannot do anything but applaud. It was incredible! “Oh, you’re in! You are indisputably in!”. Her heart feels relieved after those words. In spite of being soaking wet, with a pain in her stomach and everything that happened to her this day, she finally accomplished her dream.

Despite the bad things that happened to her, that day was the best day of her life. After that day her career as a singer went up and up!

Written by Anny Novas EIP 2019 UAPA

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