There were no two ways about it; he would have to kill her. She owed her life to him anyway, how fitting that her end should come at his bidding. He would have to work out who should actually do the deed of course, that would be a necessary evil. Robert massaged his temples as he often did when deep in thought, as though he was coaxing the needed clarity from his cluttered mind. Who would do this thing for him?

Standing abruptly, Robert pulled a cigarette from a crumpled pack and shuffled over to his office window. The view was bleak, as grey clouds rolled in from over the ocean. ‘A good day to plan a murder’, Robert thought blackly. As he lit up, he thought back to a very heated conversation with his best friend George. He had brought up his intentions at dinner and George had vehemently opposed him. He felt that the act of killing someone like Rita was not only callous but pointless. Robert and subsequently George had come to know her intimately over the course of many years. She was one of the major reasons for Robert’s climb to success. She had become a vehicle for his triumphs and although he had been responsible for her growth he had used her all the same. George knew that Robert dealt with such matters every day. They had always been close as they operated in similar circles. George didn’t take such decisions lightly, however, and that’s what made Robert’s dark objective that much harder for George to swallow.

Robert stubbed his cigarette out in the crystal ashtray that his wife; Martha, had given him for his fortieth birthday. He wouldn’t tell her of his plans, not yet. She would question him incessantly, eventually letting emotion override any sense of reason. His working life was his business and his alone, the less others knew, the better. Everyone would know eventually as always. He was good at what he did because he was able to make calculated decisions and stick with them; he didn’t need anyone’s approval. Rita had served her purpose and was nothing more than a hindrance now. She was certainly a profitable appendage early on but soon enough she would be responsible for his downfall. She was proving to be something of a distraction for him. Martha had even joked about him spending more time with Rita than he ever did with her. He could tell there was a tinge of truth in the seemingly ‘throw away’ comment.

Perhaps Vincent could do it. Robert smiled at the thought of what a cold-hearted character Vincent really was. He would be perfect for the job. Yes, Vincent would tie up this loose end and then Robert would be done with it. Pouring scotch into a thick bottomed tumbler, Robert wondered how it would be done; strangulation perhaps, maybe poison. It would have to be discreet as there was a lot riding on this and so would have to be done right the first time. Yes, poison would do the trick. Vincent had experience with poisons of all kinds; this was all fitting together perfectly.

Draining his glass, Robert sat back down at his desk. Massaging his temples once again, he thought about Rita’s child: Laura. What would he do about her? Perhaps he would just have to finish her off as well. He couldn’t very well just let her survive, what would become of her in the end? Maybe one day she would avenge her Mother’s death, which would certainly be interesting if nothing else. Pouring another drink, Robert thought back on the time he had spent with Rita. Maybe this was just a heartless act and nothing more. He really had become fond of her over the years. They had ultimately become synonymous with each other; people had always said that, hadn’t they? No, it was time.

It was now or never. Robert jiggled his mouse, rousing his computer from hibernation. The screen came to life and he exhaled deeply, steeling himself for what was to come. He began typing; setting events in motion for what would soon be Rita’s demise. He typed furiously, just wanting to be done with the whole thing as quickly as possible. He decided the next chapter would be the one; he would have Vincent kill Rita at the end of chapter nine. For so long she had been the protagonist of his novels but it was time to move on, time to leave Rita behind for good, it was time for her conclusion.

Written by Angelys Henriquez EIP 2019 UAPA

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