It all started when I went to my grandmother’s home for vacation. She lived in countryside, in a city called Puerto Plata. One day when I went out for a walk at the beach. I saw a girl. I’ve never seen somebody with such an appearance. She had dark skin, but her hair was completely white. She looked so young. She was painting, but nothing related to the background.

She was painting a big purple house surrounded by a lot of blossomed trees and beautiful birds flying in the sky. I felt curious about her so I walked towards her. When I got close, she looked at me and asked me if I liked the painting and I affirmed it. She told me she was a painting teacher and if I wanted to learn how to do it. She could teach me. I accepted it with a loud yes.

Every Thursday I met her at the beach. We spent half an hour practicing. After that, we walked along the beach and drank coconut ice. We got along so well. Although she seemed to be serious and reserved, she was friendly and funny. She showed me some of the most beautiful places there and how to do hammocks and others handcrafts.

One day I asked her about her family and she told me that she was native from Jamaica, the exact country my grandmother came from. It was such a coincidence, at least I thought so. But the thing you have to know is that her grandma and mine were sisters and she was my relative, too! I felt so happy that my new friend was also my cousin.

When my vacation finished I returned to the city and started to sell the things my cousin taught me to do.

To make a long story short, every year I meet we her for spending time together. Sometimes in the city, sometimes in the countryside.  For the next year we are planning to go to Jamaica to meet the whole family. I’m really looking forward to it.

Written by Yamilex Reynoso EIP 2019 UAPA

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