What´s Heartbreak, you said? What does it feel like?  It feels like your whole world is crashing down and the only time you want to get out of bed is to walk out to the balcony and jump off. But if you want to get technical, heartbreak is the overwhelming distress you feel after a romantic relationship ends, after the person you thought was the love of your life dumps you because in reality he didn’t loved you in the first place. You won´t understand what a heartbreak is until it happens to you, said Sabine.

It was November 1995 a very cold day in Berlin, the first snow of the season, but to Sabine Rot, a fifth teen-year-old student, it was just a normal day at school, or so she thought. Sabine was a very smart, dedicated and recognize student at the Sacred Heart Catholic High School. After first period she went to the cafeteria to grab something to eat before her next class start, she was sitting quietly at the table munching on an apple and reading something on her notebook when a very handsome pale skinned, dark haired male, named Kurt Micha Günther approaches and asks her: What are you reading? He said. To what Sabine responded: I´m just reviewing something for my French class, I think we´re in the same class, aren´t we?. I´m positive, he said. As they walk together to the classroom Kurt asked Sabine if she wanted go out for coffee after school; Sabine said: sure.

They went to Urt Café; it was really close to the school. Sabine ordered a vanilla latte with almond milk with two pumps of sugar her usual drink, Kurt ordered regular coffee. They spent hours talking, they had so many things in common it was out of this world, and Sabine admitted she had a crush on him since she first saw him. After that day they would spend a lot of time together; they would eat lunch together, he would walk her home, and Sabine would go to Kurt´s house to study, they became really close.

Later on Sabine and Kurt developed a pretty serious relationship. Relationships in Sacred Heart High where prohibited, so Sabine and Kurt were taking a big risk, if the principal found out they were together, one of them would be expelled. And it happened, Sabine and Kurt were on what they called “their secret place” it was a room in a side of the school that was not on use since they´ve been doing renovations. One of the counselor of the school Miss Holtzmann saw them kissing and in surprise when she saw it was Sabine Rot an excellent student that was there, she took them to the Principal´s office and after a long argument Sabine was the one expelled from the school.

The next week she stared classes in a new school. Sabine`s parents prohibit her to see Kurt ever again. Sabine was having a really hard time with the separation and all, however they would still sneak out and get together. Meanwhile at Sacred Heart High Kurt was already getting over Sabine, he had another girl in his radar. The same school counselor saw Kurt getting really close to this girl, she knew that Sabine and he still had something despite the expulsion, but she kept quiet.

Eventually the separation affected both, Sabine and Kurt. Sabine would send love letters to Kurt every day, saying: “I miss you so much; I just want to rip you out of my dreams and hug you! Waiting is painful”.  Kurt responded with: Let`s not wait anymore, if you love me prove it, let me make love to you.

On a very cold December night Kurt and Sabine met up at Kurt´s uncle cabin, everything was light up by candles, rose petals made the way up to the room it looked like a scene out of a movie, they made love all night.

Days later Sabine was not feeling the greatest, she had nausea, and she felt disoriented all the time. Walking from the new school to her house Sabine encounters Miss Holtzmann, seeing her kind of disoriented she decided to accompany her home. Once she was home and calm Miss Holtzmann begins to tell Sabine the things Kurt´s been doing since Sabine was expelled. Sabine couldn’t believe her; she couldn’t believe that the love of her life was with another girl. Sabine went to Kurt´s house to confront him and to her surprise the girl who he has been seeing was there, Sabine broke down; she could not believe what her eyes where seeing, everything was true Miss Holtzmann wasn’t lying, Sabine said.

A couple of days go by and Sabine could not get over the heartbreak, she still felt sick, nausea was a constant thing in the morning. One day at school looking for something on her locker she passed out, paramedics got there immediately, Sabine didn’t have anything serious, she was just pregnant.

When they told Sabine she was expecting, once again she just broke down in tears, it felt like my whole world was crashing, everything I´ve worked for its disappearing in front of my eyes. I wanted to die right there and then, said Sabine. How am I going to tell my parents? And Kurt? Would I even have this baby? Kurt doesn’t love me anymore, what am I going to do now?

Finally she got the enough courage to tell Kurt, she had already told her parents, they were very disappointed. She told Kurt to meet her at the same café they talk for the first time, she begins to tell him, and before she finished he stood up and told her: You´re not keeping this baby. I don’t love you, I don’t want anything to do with you.

Written by Karla Polanco EIP 2019 UAPA

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