My name is Henry, I was the typical guy who had a different girl in his bed every night, I was the one who every girl wanted, but for me they were only an entertainment. I used to believe in love but if something has the life taught me is that the love is not real, we can’t give our souls and feelings to somebody, the best way to live is with yourself, and you don’t need anybody else, the people only cause problems and pain. Or at least that was what I thought my history maybe would sound like a fantasy for you, but that is the best part for me, all is real.

It was my first day of senior year in a new high school, I had to leave the previous one because I moved but honestly I hate all the people there, so I did not have any complains about start again here, however, this time would be different I was not interested in meet nobody I only want to finish this year and continue with my life, I was tired to meet people that only wants to take advantage of you I spent my whole life with friends and loves that did not worth, right now I can count with just one hand my true friends that I considered my family, and about love? The last girl who I fell in love hurt me in so many ways that I cannot mention right now, she taught me that the love is pain, suffering, betrayal, cheat, lies, jealous, do you want that I continue? After her I only have fun with almost every girl that I want. But continuing with the history, I arrive and everybody was out, waiting for the principal’s welcome, I put my earphones and I stay in a corner waiting for whatever was going to happen, the principal appears and start to give us the welcome, I take my time to analyze the area and the people that were there, and of course I took a look to all the girls, don’t judge me, a man have necessities, all the girls were in groups from 4 to 5 talking about their vacations and gossiping about the new people, they stare at me a couple of times but my look was deeper and stronger so, they stop to do it.

In the middle of the groups there was a girl that was laughing with something that a friend had told her, I took a minute to look at her, she was a tall girl with blonde hair and light skin, she was not so attractive as the girls that usually catch my attention but I don’t know why her smile trapped me, the director’s final speech distract me and when I look to her direction one more time, she was not there anymore. All the students started to enter to the school, so I followed them, my first class was History, the teacher assigned the homework for the entire semester and leave us go early, I took this time for me and I went one more time to the front yard to listening to music and chill out before my English class. When was the time, I enter again and I went directly to my classroom. When I arrived there, I saw the same girl who caught my attention that morning, she was sitting on the front without saying a word, she was just looking around, but she never put her eyes on me, I followed my way and I sit in the back part of the classroom.

The teacher made us say our name to meet each other, I tough that it was lost time but I did it without refute, when was her time she stand up and with a shy smile she said that her name was Emily, I could notice that she did not talk with anybody except with the teacher, so I deduct she was a shy and introvert girl, I look at her a couple of times and I could notice the same cute smile that I noticed that morning while she was doing something in her phone. A girl next to me call my attention and say hi to me, I did not want to be rude so I say hi to her too, the girl started to talk a lot and I forgot about Emily and focuses my attention on the girl, she asked me for my social media and we share that information, she was a hot girl, so maybe she was interested in something else I thought.

The first day ends without any important thing, I arrived home and made my homework, I noticed that the girl that talked with me in English class had wrote me, her name was Mary, I text her back and I went to play basketball, when I arrive home I took my dinner and went to sleep. The next day was Saturday so I woke up and started to use my cellphone, while I was on Facebook a name appears in my screen, it was Emely Connor I thought about send her a friend request and after almost 20 minutes thinking about it I did it, she accepted me but I did not text her right away. I spent the whole day thinking if text her could be a good idea, I don’t know why but there was something on her that made me feel curious. The next day I took the decision and I text her, we had a normal conversation in which I realized that she have not seen me on class, that hurt me ego a little bit but I keep going with the conversation, we talk a lot about random topics and she told me more about her as I told her about me, not a lot, just the necessary.

On Monday, my first class was English so I went directly to the classroom one more time and without intention, my eyes made contact with hers, she only smile and I continue my way to my chair, next to Mary, who start to speak to me a lot. When the class finished, I went out first than everybody and I had the idea of wait for Emily in the door, she went out without see me and I followed her when she notice that I was there I could see the surprise in her face, but she only smile and say Hi, so, I start to walk next to her, she was telling me about she did not expect that I talk with her, and to be honest I did not expect neither.

The days were passing and I talk to her every day more and more at school and at home, I discover a lot of beautiful things about her, like her dreams, her pure heart, her willing to help others, her beautiful smile every time that we were talking, for me was so easy talk to her about everything, even dough I did not trust in anybody I start to open my thoughts and ideas with her, we got very close, I was thinking of her almost all the time, I got mad with myself because she was becoming in somebody so important to me, she was not one of those girls who I usually spent a night and never saw them again, she was special, and that scared me a lot.

I decided to take my distance from Emily but we still were friends, the only difference was that I start to hang out with other girls in the school, every time that I get mad with one of them, I talked with Emily and even dough she knowing that I was practically a playboy she always advised me about true love, she never judge me but she tried to convince me about take one of those girls seriously, she always said that all the women are not equal and that if I tried I could find real love. The thing that she did not know was that I was doing all of that because I was so scared to be in a relationship and be hurt one more time I got use to be alone, only taken a girl when I wanted and that was all.

I never understood how Emely did not have somebody that love her, she was so special that I cannot think how a guy did not fell in love with her before, or at least that was what she told me, once she told me about the last guy that tried to have something with her only wanted to have sex with her and even dough she fell in love with him she refuse and he left her as a result she suffered a lot. In those times, I hoped that I can made her happy, but I did not deserve somebody like her I thought that I was so broken to love her in the way that she deserved, for that reason I never said anything about my feelings for her, I did not want to admitted it, but I liked her a lot and in some ways I thought she liked me too.

Emily knew about all the people that I left behind, all my deceptions and suffer, all the times that I gave a person the best of me and they did not appreciate that, and every time that I told her one of my pains she was there to me, trying to I understand that I need to left the past behind and only in that way I could be happy and live my present, one of her best advices was that the people that left are not the important, she has been good with a lot of people before that only left her in the best opportunity they had, but she always teach me about if you are a good person, you should not regret about it, the others should do it for don’t have you in their lives anymore.

We used to spent nights talking by the phone, talking about all the things that we could have in our heads. Every day I thought about I would not damage our friendship, since the beginning, she showed me her good intentions with life, she was always for me without ask anything, and that was wonderful.

Six months after we met, in one of those phone calls in a moment of adrenaline I confessed her all my feelings, I was so scared about what she could think about it, I did not want to be reject neither lost her, those two minutes of her silence were the longest for me, but she told me all that I wanted to hear, she was in love with me too, and even dough I was not sure about if I could be with her, she never hesitate.

After that confession, we started to see each other in a different way, we started to hang out together and we discovered a park which become in our little private place to be, we used to go every day after school, by the pass of the days I discovered that my feelings were growing, only with saw her my heart started to beat faster and all my body started to shake, I got lost in her eyes, in her blush cheeks every time that she saw me, in her soft kisses on my cheek, in our hands together. Every day she told me that she did not care about my past, that she only cared about the present and I should do the same, but for me was so difficult, I did not want to hurt her, and I knew that I never would it.

I still remember the day when we become in couple, she went to my house after school and we were sitting in my front yard, she was happy as she always was when she was next to me, we were talking about a new song that we both like, but I only was thinking about the decision that I had taken already, I look at her, and I took the best decision of my life, I asked her to be my girlfriend and she could not believe it, she asked me if I was talking seriously just before started to cry and said yes to me.

Since that day ten years have passed, ten years with a lot of happy, difficult and lovely moments but the most important thing, with the woman that I love by my side, together without care about what the other people can think, together and building a life. Sometimes the best people arrive to your life in the most unexpected times, and that is the beauty in love, love is unexpected but perfect if you are able to find someone to share all your feelings, all your love and soul. If there is something Emely has taught me is that we deserve all the good things that came to our life, even dough you think that nobody will love you there is always somebody, you just have to wait as I did, and goodness is rewarded with goodness, never let that something steal your peace and your willingness to be good, get away with the people who don’t know the value that you have.

Maybe you are wondering where is she at right now, and I told you at the beginning of this history that you could think that is a fantasy, but the women that I love is right now upstairs with Javier, our newborn child, in the meanwhile I’m here in the backyard with Sophie, our 4 years old princess. This history does not have an end, we are still writing and I can say for sure that this is just the beginning of the most wonderful love history of all the times.

Written by Erika Cabrera. EIP 2019 UAPA

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