Once upon a time there was a young girl with blond hair who lived in an island called Dominican Republic. She loved with all of her heart an Australian band called 5SOS. However, it seemed like she was never going to meet them because of the place where she lived.

They were four and they made a type of music which wasn’t common in her country: Pop Rock. So she had all of the things to lose.

One day she woke up and thought: ¨Well, they think that Latin America is only Mexico, so I can make a plan to go to the current tour because they’re going to make a concert in Mexico¨. So she did exactly that.

She set aside money to go in summer. Nevertheless, her father didn’t understand her love for this band and didn’t let her go. However, he took that decision too late because she already had the money, partners and all the tickets necessary to make the trip and go to the concert. Therefore, nobody could stop her.

When the day came, without her father’s knowledge, only her mother, she went to the airport and took the airplane to Mexico. Her father was calling her like crazy but as I said before: ¨Nobody was going to stop her¨. She must know the love of her live Calum Hood and the others three of the band who are handsome too.

To make a long story short, she just arrived in Mexico, she went directly to the concert. She screamed, cried and enjoyed every part of the night. The following day she participated in the Greet & Meet and that moment was the best 5 seconds of summer of her entire life.

Written by Arianny Batista EIP 2019 UAPA

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