Sophia is a Little flower that was blooming in a transition from high school to university. She was kind of nervous, excited, and confident at the same time. This semester was her first, and she had some idea of how the university system worked.

Besides those feelings, she has a life, which involves family, friends and boyfriend. She was worried about how she would be able to distribute her time and obviously had great scores at the university. Thing started getting harder after the first month when she noticed that her psycho, spiritual sense and mental health were in a total disorder.

Sophia started getting skinnier, problems with her boyfriend were driving her kind of crazy, her family started asking her if she was sure about the carrier she selected to study, where she will find the money from to pay the career and so on. Besides that, the university has a system in which everything is so complicated; for you to do anything you have to go really far, and once you get there, maybe it is not the correct place for you to find what you were requesting.

Almost when the semester was ending, she found the way to manage all the pressure and the stress that she had. She learned that not all the time she will have someone doing things for her and she had to be strong, more confident, still being that clever girl and trust no one.

First semester in the university can be stressful; you will probably have doubts about who you are, it can even drive you into a financial situation etc. At the end of the day you will always have to take a breath, be smarter than anything that is bothering you and God is always there with you and waiting for you to rely on him.

Written by Camila Batista EIP 2019 UAPA

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