I’ll never forget the time, last Christmas, when my aunt and I had the brilliant idea to prepare something unusual for the Christmas celebration; cookies. What happened was we had never done it before and it was a whole experience.

We decided to make the typical chocolate chips cookies. The thing you have to know is that we had to look for the preparation on the back of the cookie flour case, but we realized that the ingredients we had were not enough. It was December 24th already so the supermarkets were crowded as it is always on Christmas. But we remembered we had the corner grocery store near our house, problem solved.

I repeat the fact that we didn’t have any idea about how to prepare cookies, and less chocolate chips ones. We had to look for the preparation on a YouTube video. While we were watching the video, we were preparing the mix.

Everything alright until the moment of baking. I turned on the oven in the way that the video said. We went out of the kitchen and made other stuff. The next think we knew was that the kitchen was full of smoke and we were scared. Inside the oven was burning. I was only worried about the cookies. Nooo! The cookies had burned. The family heard us yelling and together we put out the little fire.

To make a long story short, the cookies didn’t work, so we had to buy another thing for dessert. After that I haven’t tried making cookies again.

Written by Mery Duarte EIP 2019 UAPA

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