In December last year I was with some friends drinking wine La fuerza, we were having a good night in RamsesĀ“house like always. There were two girls that were with us and I called three more girls to go there.

One of my friends who was there, Raul, was with his girlfriend and one of the girls that I called was his ex-girlfriend. I didn’t know that, however, when they arrived we were happy but when Raul saw her he didn’t seem to be happy.

Fortunately neither him nor his ex-girlfriend said anything but I bet that it was very embarrassing. Angel, another friend who was there had started going out with her some weeks before and they met by me.

In spite of Raul trying to ignore her, she didn`t. Angel noticed that and asked her why she was looking at him like that, and then she told Angel the entire story. Angel called me and told me what was happening. I was really shocked because I created that situation, but I think it was because of Raul because he didn’t say that she was his girlfriend.

Raul`s girlfriend noticed that something suspicious was happening and asked her why she was doing that and then she answered that she could do whatever she wanted. They started yelling at each other and then to fight. As I was already drunk I was laughing about that situation but it was not funny.

A few days later I saw Raul and asked him what had happened, he told me that he and his girlfriend had broken up because of that, I felt bad for him because he seemed sad, however, now who used to be his ex-girlfriend is his girlfriend so yes, they are together.

Written by Joel Diaz EIP 2019 UAPA

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