Have you ever fallen in love with someone that you don’t know? Because I did. I know, I know, sounds crazy that I fell in love with someone that I never met, but the way that he writes was the way that I got crazy with him, but let me explain how this started.

One day I was at work, everything was just the way it always is, but I never thought that as soon as I got home all my world would change. At 7:00 pm I arrived to my house, I opened the door, I said hi to my little dog, fish, (I know a weird name for a dog), I saw that in front of my main door were some papers, as always, things that I had to pay, but there was a letter that was not from a company.

When I took it I saw that on the envelope there was just my name “Daniela Calle”, I thought “Who could have sent me a letter?” but I never got the answer, so I just decide to open it and read. It was the most beautiful letter that I could have read, the way that it was written, I couldn’t believe it, but… It didn’t have a name there, was signed off by “JG” Who was JG? And why wrote me this letter? I had so many questions, but I noticed behind the letter was an address, so I decide to write a letter too, with all my questions.

Now, after one year I’m still getting letters from JG, or Jose Garzón, the name of my unknown lover, after I reply his letter he answered me all my questions, he told me that he used to study with me in Colombia, and he always wanted to talk with me but he was too shy to do it, after I left Colombia and came to US he tried to have contact with me, I just thought it was the most lovely thing that happened to me. We never stopped talking with the other via letter because we thought it was different from the others and it makes it more special, but one day he just stopped replying to me.

After a week without knowing about him I got desperate, where was him? Why is he not replying to me? Did I say something wrong? But no, I didn’t say anything wrong, he just stopped replying to me because he passed away, and ghosts cannot write letters, I imagine that now you are wondering how I knew he was dead and how it happens, but the answers are really simple. I forgot to mention at the beginning that he had cancer, that’s why I never saw him, he was in England trying to survive from this stupid illness, so now it’s obvious to know how he died, but how I knew it? Because after that week I received a letter from his sister, she told me that he couldn’t survive from the cancer, it covered all his body, but he asked to her to write me a letter, telling me what happened and letting me know that I was the best thing that happened to him.

I spent one month crying, the other one I wondered why god did this to me, the other one crying again, and like that until I healed the pain. After five months I feel prepared to let the people know about my unknown lover, let them know that I had the best love ever and it was only via letters, that I never saw him but I was completely in love with him, and I feel prepared to let the world know that I had the best person, and now it is gone, and I only have his letters.  

Written by Elisbel Lluberes EIP 2019 UAPA

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